

Lesson List

Laiqbun Course


keoiq sha zhan hoo kka maq gy dy1, 2. 3 I love the person who eats the food
zeai na sym4 What’s this?
kkeuacuan zaai dy What is of blue color?
leio ta hy len zaai sym Where are you sitting?
heo maao zaai sym? What do cats eat?
neou sha giau maauq gy dy5 I know that mountains are big
leuiq zhan hoo kka maq gy sha dy The person that eats food is next to me
  1. When the first vowel of a word is o, it’s a relative clause: A sentence that describes an argument. For example, in “the person who drinks water,” the part that goes “drinks water” is describing “the person.”
  2. In a relative clause, the word kka refers to the word being described. In this case, it refers back to the zhan.
  3. You can close a clause by ending it with gy. This will return to the main sentence.
  4. The verb zeai means “x1 is what?” and is used for questions that are not yes/no.
  5. When the first vowel of a word is i, it is a content clause: A sentence that behaves as a noun. For example, in the sentence “I know things,” things is a noun. In “I know that you did this,” the sentence “you did this” takes the place of “things” even though it’s a full sentence. That’s what a content clause is.


zeai zhan hoo kka tauo gy sym? The person who drinks water is who?
len kaao kkeuacuan tam lon kka maauq gy dy The blue bird is in the house that is on the mountain
neou sha kkiuacuan kaao ne gy dy I know that this bird is blue
heo maao pou zhan zeai kka gy tauo sym? Whose cat is drinking water?

Fill In The Blanks

leuiq sha zhan louiq kka sha gy dy I look at the person who looks at me
teq hau shio heo hau gy dy They said that they want to eat
zeai zhan kkoui kka kaao gy dy The person that is a friend of birds is who?
teuo zhao hoo zhan kka gy dy The thing that the person drinks is water

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