

Switch Theme

nothing beautiful can last


Noodle is a 1-bit drawing program made by the people of 100 Rabbits which is made for a virtual environment of their own. It’s like, really cool, but I tried using it and struggled because the info was all wrong. I was using a Windows 10 computer, and I don’t know if that has any effect on what program the emulator shows me. So here’s some corrections, I recommend checking these as you read the original instructions, as these will heavily rely on them.

Re-naming A File

This method doesn’t work. Files have to be renamed from outside the emulator.

Saving And Creating New Files

None of these bottom-right buttons exist. To save a file, press ctrl+s as indicated in Controls. To load a blank file, simply Load a file with a name that hasn’t been used.


Pressing escape doesn’t work, use right click, or click twice on a brush size to turn on erasing mode.

Animation Tools These tools don’t exist.