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Zhanbun Time

The Zhanbun divide their time in 100 parts which we’ll call zHours, each divided in 100 parts, which we’ll call zMinutes. zSeconds (actually called timels) would end up being too small for us to actually use casually.

Timels are about dec28ms, zMinutes are about dec4.167s. and zHours are exactly ten minutes.

Their equivalent to 00:00 is our 04:00. This is because this time is more alligned with everyone’s circadian rhythm. A day is divided in four parts, main, saon, vasu and qaei. There are specific hours for these that are used in formal contexts, but most people will use them based on the sky and ambient temperature.

Time Hours Definition
main 00;00 — 2Y;YY When it starts to get warm
saon 30:00 — 5Y;YY When the sun is in the sky
vasu 60:00 — 8Y;YY When it starts to get cold
qaei 90:00 — YY;YY When the sky is dark