

Lesson List

Laiqbun Course


ben qaaiquei by1 May this day be good
pean sha taru zhao dy2, 3 I give you things
zeo ky!4 Hello!
kkeui ta zhan ben by5 Be a friend to good people
sheo teq sha vao dy6 I want to say the truth
qeum sha ry ta shaan sym7, 8 Are you and I next to the store?
qe kkeuacuan kaao ne dy9 The bird is not blue
  1. by is a word of the same type as dy, except it’s uses for imperatives. What you say with this word in the end is either a wish or an order.
  2. teru is “to be y’all”, a second person plural pronoun.
  3. zheo actually means “to exist,” but is also used to say “thing.”
  4. ky is similar to dy and by, except this one is used to indicate that something is true because you say it. zeo means “to greet” or “to say hi,” so it is true because you are saying it. “I hereby proclaim you spouses for life” is another sentence where this word would be used.
  5. When you put a word in verb form after a noun, the “verb” behaves like an adjective. You can do this as many times as you want.
  6. Wen two verbs are together in a sentence, their meanings are “stacked” onto each other. sheo means “to want something to happen,” so sheo teq means “to want to say something.”
  7. ry means “and.” It is used to connect two nouns.
  8. sym is like dy, by and ky, and is used to mark interrogation.
  9. qe means “to not be the case.”


qe sheo teq hau dy They don’t want to talk
kkeui sha ry ta dy %(blur)You and I are friends
kkeui kaao zhan dy %(blur)The bird is a friend of the person
zeo ta sharu by! %(blur)Say hi to us!

Fill In The Blanks

pean ta zhao ne sha by! Give me that thing!
sheo kkeuacuan kaao dy The bird wants to be blue
kkeui ta sha %(blur)sym Are you my friend?
qe zhen kaao sym Birds are not people

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