
About The Resident...

Tue, 13 Sept 2022

The existence of the resident has been confirmed! Now, if you haven't been following the research on the Aminara Tower, "the resident" is the nickname that researches have given to a creature that inhabits the tower. Previously, its existence was dubious, as it had only been spotted in enhanced images and frames of video. The resident is a single-eyed, elongated creature that has great camouflaging capacities and moves by means not yet understood. It is unknown if there are more than one resident, but more than one resident have never been seen in the same place.

The resident was first spotted in 1983 by researchers on an expedition to study the glyphs located at every hallway, although even before that, researchers claimed to see a figure in the corner of their eyes and feeling observed. Its existence remained as speculation for decades. As image editing technology improved, speculative evidence of the residence's existence became more prominent in the analysis of expedition footage, but only recently have the researchers managed to obtain an image of the resident that cannot be explained by grain and other image artifacts.

The image was expected to give us more insight about the general anatomy of the resident, but instead, it simply gave us more questions. Researcher John Carmelli notes three important aspects about the anatomy of the resident:

The interests of the resident are still unkown, but it's theorized that the resident is animal life, and simply observes researchers out of curiosity, with no intent behind its actions. However, some also believe that the resident might be sentient and is deliberately observing from us while refusing to attempt communication. Sadly, testing any of these theories about the resident's behavior is going to prove difficult, as it deliberately tries to avoid being observed.