Sentence Prefixes

kyo: But

gyn: And

zy: Null, comma


ky: Performative Illocution

dy: Assertive Illocution

nyq: Illocution Nullfier

by: Imperative Illocution

sym: Interrogative Illocution


ry: And

rybue: Negated AND

hylu: Exclusive OR

hylubue: Neither or both

hynu: OR

hynubue: Neither

qy: Connective question "or?"

vy: Entity mixer


gyo: A few

gyu: A many

nyoq: General

byiq: Universal

chy: Existential (some)

sya: None

Grammatical Words

kye & nye: Open and close parenthesis

kyn & lyq: Open and close quotes

gy: Clause closer

gyvuo: All-clause closer

kke: Refers back to the root of a clause

kkym: Shorcut for roq

ly: Separates serials

xy: Question emphasis

hy: Preposition

vye: Description, spoken colon


leq: Action perdicatizer / Clause predicatizer

ryq & gyq: Action predicatizer and its closer

xhe: Valid word proper name predicatizer

se: Proper name predicatizer


ty: Middle

my: Passive

cy: Ultrpassive

Place markers

kyu: First place marker

gyua: Third place marker

kkyu: Second place marker

cyo: Empty place marker


myq: Neither yes or no

ny: No

nyeq: Empty

sy: Yes

vyq: Both yes and no


tty: Functional

ttygu: Functional supercontext

lyoq: Perspective

lyoqgu: Perspective supercontext

zhy: Topical

zhygu: Topical supercontext

vyo: Closes all


kyoi: Exponent

kkyo: Multiplication by a power of the current base

lyau: Division

ryeq: Substraction

ppykun & ppyluq: Open and close brackets

cya: Root

cyoq: Multiplication by the inverse exponent of the current base

zyem: Addition

vyuq: Multiplication


py: Spectrum marker

fy: Axis marker